Nomadland 2020
Movie: Nomadland
Genre: Drama
Director: Chloé Zhao
Country: US
Fer and her husband become jobless after losing their job in US Gypsum in Empire, Nevada. The factory shuts down. The area had nothing but this factory so people started to leave Empire and soon it becomes abandoned. After her husband’s deaths, Fern sells most of her belongings and buys a van. This was in 2011. She starts living in the van as a nomad and finds a seasonal job in Amazon. There she meets an old friend Linda May. She also lives as a nomad and invites her to visit a desert rendezvous organised for teaching basic survival skills for nomadic life. It’s organised by Bob Wells. It’s a support system and community for fellow nomads. But Fern declines the invitation.
The weather starts getting cold and life becomes tougher in a van. So Fern decides to go there. Linda becomes really happy to see her friend and Fern gets to meet a lot of people. She also learns basic skill to live as a nomad. Fern meets Swankie and they talk. They soon become friends. Swankie tells Fern that she has cancer and she wanted to spend the rest of her days doing exciting things. Living and doing stuff that will make the time worthwhile. So she started a life of a nomad. She wants to make memories rather dying in a hospital bed. Fern also meets Dave and again runs into Dave in her new job as a camp host. They spend good times working together. One day Dave’s some comes to take him home and meet his grandchild and leave this nomadic life. But he rejects. Then Fern convinces him and Dave goes home. Meanwhile Fern explores the beauty of nature. She starts to feel amazing just by spending time with herself and exploring life from a different angle. The mesmerising scenes of nature made her life more beautiful. She remembers her husband and misses him. She loved him so much and lived in Empire all her life doing nothing but working in the factory only for him. But now she looks a life in an extraordinary way. Although the life she chose was full of hardship and surprises. She still wants to keep on living like this.
The story is really simple yet quite amazing. The amazing cinematography and realistic character portrayal brought the film on a different level. Though it is slow and not much dynamic in the end as well, you’ll fall in love with the sceneries of nature. It may look like a story of loneliness but it is actually about falling in love with the life and opportunities and appreciating that you have. The movie has won a lot of prestigious awards in Academy Awards for best picture, best actress in a leading role and best director.
Linda May
Charlene Swankie
And more.
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