Crimson Peak
Movie: Crimson Peak
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Romance
Director:Guillermo del Toro
Country: US, Mexico, Canada
The movie starts with little Edith Cushing bidding her mother goodbye as she died in 1887. Her father Carter Cushing was a wealthy businessman. That night she is visited by her mother’s disfigured spirit and she warns her about crimson peak. After many years Edith is now a grown young woman. She is an aspiring writer. When she visited to publish her story it gets rejected because it was about ghosts. But she eventually meets Sir Thomas and his sister Lucille. Thomas likes Edith’s story. He came to meet Carter with his invented machine. He wanted Carter to invest on it but he denies. Edith feels bad.
There takes place a party where Carter and Edith’s childhood friend Dr. Alan attends. But Thomas comes there with Edith and catches everyone’s attention. But Carter doesn’t like Thomas. He hires a private investigator who gives him some unpleasant news. So Carter decides to offer money and tells Thomas and her sister to go away from Edith’s life. Even Alan warns Edith about Thomas. Edith grew closer to Thomas but because of Carter he leaves breaking Edith’s heart. Mysteriously someone kills Carter and before Edith could Know it she gets a letter from Thomas that he still loves her. So she unites with him. When she hears about her father’s death she relies on Thomas and they get married. She moves with him and Lucille to their age old house. It was in a bad shape. But Edith could see some spirits roaming around the house. Some disfigured spirit even warned her about Thomas. But when she tells Thomas and Lucille about this they ignore it. She sees there is red mud around the house. Thomas tells her that when it snows it is called the crimson peak . This rings bell for Edith and she starts finding the secrets of this house.
The movie is full of mysterious events that has romance and horror. There is violence, love and betrayal. After all it is a Guillermo del Toro film. It’s worth a shot.
Mia Wasikowska
Tom Hiddleston
Jessica Chastain
Charlie Hunnam
And more.

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