Lady Bird 2017
Movie: Lady Bird
Genre: Drama, Young-adult
Director: Greta Gerwig
Country: USA
Christine McPherson is a 17 year old girl who lives with her family in Sacramanto, California. She attends a catholic high school and gave herself the name Lady Bird just before the school election. Her family suffers from financial problems. Despite that she wants to apply for east cost colleges far away from the small town. She wants to enjoy city life and culture. Her mother doesn’t agree with her and tells her that she has not been grateful with anything her family did for her.
Lady Bird often rebels against her mother and her school nun. She is not happy with her normal life. She has a best friend named Julie and they both practise for school theatre. Then developed feelings for a boy, Danny. Danny also shows interest and they start a relationship. But she discovers that Danny is homosexul and he used Lady Bird as an excuse to hide. She forgives him. Later on she meets a handsome and very attractive boy named Kyle. So she becomes friends with the popular girl Jenna at her school who was a friend of Kyle. Jenna only had rich friends so Lady Bird lies that lives in a beautiful house which was actually Danny’s grandma’s house. She then starts hanging out with Kyle and Jenna’s group. Thus she deserts Julie says harsh words about her style. She wanted to be cool and didn’t want be with losers.
At Kyle’s party she and Kyle get closer and start kissing. Kyle says that he was a virgin and it was his first time with Lady Bird. After losing her virginity Kyle says that he had sex several times before her and denies about saying he was a virgin. Lady Bird breaks down and cries to her mother. Then she comes to know the only earning member, her father lost job and is suffering from depression. His brother’s girlfriend also came to live with them. She lost Julie too. She realises that she has acted recklessly and didn’t care about the people who actually loved her. She was only craving for fake fame and show-off. But she still wanted to go to the east cost colleges. How will she manage to achieve her dream?
The movie portrays about high ambitious people with a low financial status. How they want to achieve their dreams becoming selfish. But everybody has dreams. Despite obstacles they don’t want to let go of them. The simple and fantastic depiction and realistic character developments got the movie Academy Awards nominations and achieved many prestigious awards. It’s a great movie that also shows the difficult phase of reaching adulthood. A perfect Sunday movie with friends and family.
Saoirse Ronan
Timothee Chalamet
Laurie Metcalf
Tracy Letts
Beanie Feldstein
Lucas Hedges
and more.
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