The Corpse of Anna Fritz 2015
Movie: The Corpse of Anna Fritz
Genre: Thriller, Mystery
Director: Hèctor Hernández Vicens
Country: Spain
The story is about necrophilia. It focuses on three friends Pau, Ivan,
Javi and a dead celebrity Anna Fritz who was really beautiful and famous.
Paul used to work as an orderly in a hospital.
During his work he could see a lot of naked bodies of young girls.
Meanwhile the news of Anna Fritz’s death has spread. She died suddenly and the reason is
unknown so it was brought for autopsy in the hospital where Pau works.
When he sees the body he couldn’t resist from taking nude photos and sends it to his friend Ivan.
Ivan comes there with their another friend Javi.
Ivan thinks about the possibility of raping a dead body.
Pau says it is confessing that once he raped a young girl’s corpse.
Now the decidevto rape Anna’s body. But Javi denies in disgust.
He tries to stop the and leave but Pau takes him in another room of the morgue.
But Ivan starts raping her and then calls Pau.
While Pau was doing this she Anna wakes up and looks at him.
Pau gets scared and screams. All of them realise that Anna isn’t dead but paralysed.
She also saw what they did. Now Ivan and Pau plans to kill her to keep it as the world knows.
But Javi stops them and gives Anna water. He tells them to take her out of here. He wants to save her. But Ivan doesn’t wanna take any risk. Then Anna starts talking and begs them to leave her. She promises not to tell anything. So arguments take place in between Ivan and Javi. Then they start fighting. Unfortunately Javi get hit on his head and starts bleeding. From this point things start taking a gruesome turn.
The movie represents a psychological disorder called necrophilia. This is happening a lot all around the world lately. The disgusting idea that people keep inside their heads can make they do unimaginable stuff. This movie depicted that very accurately.
- Alba Ribas
- Bernat Saumell
- Cristian Valencia
- Albert Carbó
- Nico Avila

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