Pan’s Labyrinth 2006
Movie: Pan’s Labyrinth
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Country: Spain, Mexico
The film starts with a fairly tale where Princess Moanna is the daughter of the king of the underworld. It was forbidden for her to go into the outside world. But goes out and the sunlight blinds her erasing all her memories. She becomes mortal and dies. So the king builds labyrinths all over the world as a portal for her soul to return. Ten-year-old Ofelia reads the story while travelling with her sickly pregnant mother to her step father. Her step father is Captain Vidal who is in hargeisa of hunting down rebels. It was in 1944 in Francoist Spain, five years after the Spanish Civil War. Captain Vidal was brutal and he expected his child to be a son who will be like him.
A stick insect follows Ofelia to her room and she thinks it’s a fairy. While no one was in her room it really transforms into a fairy and leads her to the nearby labyrinth whe she arrived at the base. Before entering she is stopped by the housemaid Mercedes. Mercedes is actually a spywho supports her brothers and other rebels. But at night the fairy again takes her to the labyrinth and there she meets a faun. The faun believes she is the lost princess of the underworld and the king want her to return. But before must do three tasks to regain immortality. Ofelia agrees and proceeds to do those tasks. But she starts doing the tasks there comes horror and danger on her way. If she fails any of them she will lose the chance to return. Meanwhile she discovers what Mercedes was up to. But she was kind and didn’t spill her secret to her brutal step father. Also her mother’s health starts to fall. How will she save her mother and unborn sibling? Will she succeed in those tasks?
The movie may seem like children’s fairy tale. But is struck with sorrow and horrors of the war. There is also mythology and adventure. So it’s worth a shot.
And more.
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